Yes or No Oracle

That feeling of getting clogged before taking a decision? The random yes or no oracle — your super fast decision maker! In just a few seconds using this simple yet powerful little implement you can free yourself from the jaws of indecision.

Welcome to the Random Yes/No Oracle website. You can find answers to all your 'Yes' or 'No' type questions here. Our easy-to-use online decision maker provides random "yes" or "no" answers to all your questions for free. Just type in the question you want the answer to and press the Generate Answer button, and you will get an instant "yes" or "no" answer to your question.

Sometimes a question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, in that situation you can use "maybe" while asking your question. Simply check include "maybe" checkbox next to the Generate Answer button. This will add maybe to the generated answer.

Why choose this tool?

  • Lightning-fast results.
  • User-friendly design.
  • Unbiased outcomes.
  • Versatile applications.
  • Stress-reducer.

We could all use a little external motivation at times. This is a very useful free online yes or no oracle—no tricky algorithms to influence your decisions.

When Would I Ever Use This? Think about it:

  • Deciding what to eat for dinner.
  • Opting in or out of purchasing those awesome shoes.
  • The text message sent when hesitating to move on with a crush.
  • The list goes on! Great for when you are debating with yourself.

Now, don't get me wrong. This isn't to make life changing decisions. But when it comes to those little daily decisions, the ones that test your resolve? It's a game-changer.

Go ahead and give this free online random yes or no oracle a try the next time you are borderline indecisive! It might just save you headache and time. Well, sometimes an arbitrary selection is better than no choice at all!

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This tool is an entertainment tool and should not influence or interpret the correct answer to the question. For serious questions, seek professional help. Because this is a random yes or no generator, the answers are completely random and have no connection to the questions asked. This isn't the real oracle.